This Week in Worship
Sunday, January 7, 2018
January Worship Theme – Truth
Worship at 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
Rev. Lisa Ward
Coming into a new year, after resolutions have been made, many seek ways to support their new aspirations. One part of the discernment, in order for any true transformation to occur, is to look to our own governing principle. What is it that compels me to make the choices I make? What is it that I hold dear or want to preserve? What is it that gets me motivated to live and learn?
This discernment can be done individually, within family dynamics, communities and society. This is the kind of discernment that can dismantle conditioning and systems of oppression, or simply be a way to focus the living of our lives.
Within faith communities, I like to think of the 3 S’s as part of our governing principle; nourishing, in our choices and participation, the Spiritual, the Social and the Service aspects of relating. A good way to start is to endeavor to touch on each aspect at least once a month. Do you attend worship and/or meditation at least once a month? Do you engage in conversation or in a church gathering at least once a month? Do you offer service either within congregational life (through caring committee, sign-up genius or religious exploration) or social action at least once a month?
Why not try the three S’s for a bit. See how it enriches your First Parish experience. As an experiment – I’d love to know what you think.
Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Laurel Whitehouse, Director of Religious Exploration
Nursery and toddler care is available every week in the Link hallway from 10:15 to 11:45 am. This year our caregivers are Daisy and Grace. Stop by and say hello!
Religious Exploration for Sunday, January 7: Preschool children through grade 8 will attend the first part of the worship service in the Meetinghouse and then move to the Children’s Church. Please note that our Children’s Church service ends at 11:40 am.
Once a month children in all grades gather together for a worship service in the Children’s Church after we leave the Meetinghouse. This week’s Children’s Church worship will explore UU Source #4: Wisdom from the World’s Religions. We will be learning about moon worship in its many forms in honor of the triple lunar extravaganza this month with two supermoons, a blue moon and a lunar eclipse!
See the Youth Yacking column for news on programming for grades 9 through 12 this week.
Register your child or youth! The Religious Education Committee requests all families to register their children and youth. Paper registration forms are available on the RE bulletin board in the Link hallway.
Youth Yacking
Sara Elizabeth Santa Cruz, Youth Advisor
Our talented youth will prepare and serve a delicious spaghetti supper fundraiser this Friday! Part of the evening’s entertainment will be karaoke – no previous experience required. Bring your whole family, bring your friends, bring your neighbors! Dinner begins at 6:30 and ends at 8 pm. Suggested donation is $5 per person. All funds go toward the cost of a spring service trip for our youth.
Coming of Age class meets this Sunday from 10:30 am to noon. Mentors will be joining the class this week. The combined group will begin exploring the topic of good and evil. Journals are required for this class – bring the green journals you received during the Opening Service on November 19.
COA Luncheon and CAT (Community Activity Time) at noon a luncheon will be provided for youth and their mentors, followed by community building events until approximately 1:30 pm. All youth are welcome to attend the lunch, even if they are not participating in Coming of Age.
News and Announcements
3rd Annual Care Package Drive for our Young Adults
The Caring Committee and the Youth Group are teaming up for the third year to provide care packages to our young adults. This would include youth who are now in college, recently enrolled and serving in the armed forces, completing a year of community service like AmeriCorps, or off on their own just starting a first job. There will be a signup at coffee hour or you can send name, address, and any dietary restrictions to Amanda Tobey or 508-579-5118. Also, we would graciously receive monetary contributions to offset the shipping costs and/or goods to fill the care packages. The deadline for all donations is Sunday, February 4. Packages will be mailed/delivered the week of February 12.
Kiki’s Corner
Winter weather is in full force in New England. You may have noticed you are receiving The Link a day early. The office will be closed tomorrow. Rev. Lisa and I are available by email. When we close, WCVB posts”First Parish – Milton” as Closed. Check their website if you want to get automatic, direct notification through the TV station.
We expect to make a decision about the viability of Friday evening and Saturday evening events by mid-day Friday.
Here is our general information on Snow Cancellation at First Parish:
For normal business hours and days: The campus will close If the Milton Public Schools close.
We will assess our ability to be open for evenings and weekends based on the parking lot and walkways being plowed. We will make the call about Sunday worship by 8 a.m. that morning.
Look for cancellations in these two places:
Channel 5, WCVB television. Look for First Parish – Milton. Check their website if you want to get automatic, direct notification through the TV station.
Check our Facebook page. First Parish Milton UU. We will post cancellations there. Our Facebook page also feeds our Twitter account @FPMilton.
Stay safe and warm.
January Events
Time to Mark Your 2018 Calendar
Wednesday, January 3
Vespers Service for Healing and Resilience
6:30pm – 7:15pm – Children’s Church
Please note updated time.
Friday, January 5
Spaghetti Dinner & Karaoke Night
6:30 pm – Parish Hall
Friday, January 5, will be a fun-filled night with a spaghetti supper, beginning at 6:30pm, and karaoke, beginning when the first person steps up to the mike! There will also be activities for all, as well as plenty of opportunity to chat and unwind after the busy holiday season. Bring your friends, bring your neighbors, bring your voices and enjoy!
A $5 dinner donation per person is suggested. Proceeds will help fund a spring youth service trip. This evening will be co-hosted by the Youth Group and the Hospitality Committee.
Saturday, January 6
Green Team Film & Potluck Discussion
4:00pm – 7:00pm – Parish Hall
“an inconvenient sequel Truth to Power”
A decade after Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth brought climate crisis into popular culture, this follow-up film shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution and how we can get involved. The film will be followed by a lively discussion and potluck dinner.
Saturday, January 13
Fair Foods – 10:00am
Meet at First Parish
Fair Foods Inc. rescues surplus fruits and vegetables from Boston industry source and distribute the food to those in need. (
Saturday, January 13
Green Team Workshop
1:30pm – 4:30pm – Parish Hall
“Our Place in the Web of Life”
led by Rev. Lisa Ward
This is the first workshop in a highly engaging series offered through the spring that can help us discover what environmental justice means to First Parish Milton and our community. Participants look deeply at the consequences of their actions on people and their environment through – music, participatory research, visual mapping, ethical reflection, mediation and ritual. If you are volunteering at Fair Foods in the morning, join us for hot soup served at 1:30
Monday, January 15
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Events planned by:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Projects to be announced.
6:30pm – Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration and Courageous Conversations, Concord Baptist Church in Milton
Saturday, January 20
First Parish Orientation
9:30pm – 12:30pm – Parish Hall
. Come learn more about Unitarian Universalism broadly and First Parish specifically. This is a good way to learn more about our 7 principles and the path to membership at First Parish. Facilitators: Rev. Lisa and Kiki
Saturday, January 21
All Church Council
noon – 2 pm
Parish Hall
What’s happening at First Parish? What we are doing, where we are going? Come share in the experience as we build our collective vision of the future. Each standing committee will report on their activities, success, and work to be done and plans to be made for the future. All are welcome
Saturday, January 27th
10 am – 1 pm
Bystander Intervention Training
First Congregational Church of Milton, 495 Canton Avenue, Milton
Sponsored by:
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
“Brevity Matters” – Peter Bowden, Social Media Guru and wise UU
Deadline for submissions is Tuesdays. You need to address email to both and to assure your announcement will be included in the weekly Link. Written announcements for the Sunday Order of Worship are derived from the announcements for The Link. We, from time to time, will also publish non-church events with a connection to a member of the church. Your submission may be edited due to space requirements. We recommend that you submit no more than 1 – 2 paragraphs.
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thurday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
June 25 – September 3
Worship, 9:30 am in the Children’s Church
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 8:30 am in the Children’s Church
No Religious Exploration Program , Nursery Care, Choir Rehearsal
Beginning Sunday, September 10
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 6:30pm in the Children’s Church
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is: