Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 1/24/2014

Weekly Link 1-24-14

January Worship Theme

Word to Action

We are often told “it’s the thought that counts.” Our worship committee wonders about the limits of that expression, the times when it is not the thought that counts, but the action we take, that matters most. How do we make a life of “practicing what we preach?” How can we hold each other to our own aspirations of community? What holds us back, and where might we find the courage to take the next step?

This Week in Worship

Sunday, January 26, 2014
10:30am WORSHIP

There’s No Stopping This Train
Rev. Parisa Parsa
With music by Joel Hiller & Pat Neves

We’ve made individual commitments to action this month, some of us are doing 30 Days of Love with our larger movement, and together we’re headed to some pretty exciting places. This morning we’ll celebrate what that hoped-for future might look like and launch our annual campaign to help make it so.


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and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!

We can also be found on Twitter at @FPMilton

Religious Exploration

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Workshop Sunday

This week we continue with our theme of “Home” we will be making no-sew blankets to be donated to a local shelter.

Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger.

Youth Chat will meet in the youth room at 10:30.

Youth Group will meet at 12pm till 2pm.



Youth Group Happenings…

First Parish in Milton’s First Annual…
Sweetheart’s Dinner!
February 8th

Admission: $20 per adult
$15 if a teen clothing or
school supply item is donated

There will be dinner, dancing, live music, a raffle and more at this adults only Valentine’s fundraiser benefiting the First Parish Youth Group and Bridge over Troubled Waters, an organization benefiting Boston’s homeless youth.

Babysitting will be provided; each adult ticket covers babysitting for one child with each additional child costing $5.

News and Announcements

First Parish Wants YOU! …

First Parish depends on the leadership and energy of lay volunteers to make our community thrive. Serving on a committee or working group can be a great way to help build our church while learning new skills and making new connections. There are opportunities for leadership immediately and for the 2014-15 church year. To find out more, e-mail Tony Dutzik at or Kiki Giatis at

Sunday, January 26 12 noon – 2pm

All Church Council

All Church Council will meet at a special time, Sunday, January 26 at noon. At this important meeting, we will review our progress toward First Parish’s mission goals for the church year thus far and identify strategic challenges as we make decisions about budget and staffing for church year 2014-15. All committees are asked to send at least two representatives to the meeting, but everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Lunch and child care will be provided. RSVP to

Change in Date of the first Session of New Member Orientation Class

The first class will be Sunday February 9 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Second session will be Sunday, February 2. If you have been in touch with me about the orientation, you will be getting further information by e-mail. If you were hesitant about signing up because of a conflict with the January 26 session, please email me to sign up now. – Kiki Giatis

Sunday, February 2 12:00 – 1:30 pm

Divorced or Separating?

A group for personal reflection and peer support is gathering, made up of members of First Parish and FIrst Congregational Church. Join us for an initial meeting on Sunday, February 2 from 12-1:30 in the Chase Parlor at First Parish. If you have questions or want more information, please contact Andy Crum at

Our Caring Committee helps connect and respond with compassion to the expressed needs and concerns to members of our community. Please consider ways you might help out when needed. Volunteers may help drive someone to doctor’s appointments, church or church events; make a meal and deliver it, help with simple home repairs. Check out all the possibilities, including joining the Caring Committee. Forms are available on the information table located in the Parish Hall. We are grateful to all those that already have been a great help with a variety of needs including those on short notice.


MeditationWednesdays evenings and Sunday mornings – On hiatus until Wednesday, February 5, 2015.

Meditation continues every Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-7:30pm as well as Sunday from 9:00am-9:30am both meet in the Children’s Church. All are welcome to join us and enjoy some peaceful, restful quiet.

Celebrate Thirty Days of Love! January 18 – February 16
Standing on the Side of Love is a community of people compelled to speak out against oppression, united in the common belief that love is the ultimate guiding force of our world. The Thirty Days of Love is a period of intentional action, service, education, and reflection to focus on this essential work. Will you commit to join us on this spiritual journey for social justice?

The Thirty Days of Love is starting soon – time to get ready! What is your intention this month? What will your spiritual journey for social justice look like? Sign up at to get daily emails with reflection and action suggestions from January 18-February 16, with a “Share the Love” Sunday on the 16th.


St. Valentine’s Day, when we celebrate the patron saint of Chocolate, is once again just around the corner. At First Parish, that means it’s CHOCOLATE AUCTION time again!

Looking for a tasty token with which to express your love for your Valentine? Or simply ready to satisfy your own sweet tooth?

Be at Church on Sunday FEBRUARY 9th for the Chocolate Auction. This event, which has become an annual tradition at First Parish, will take place in the Parish Hall right after the worship service. ALL members of the congregation are encouraged to bring some goodie of substance for the auction. Chocolate is the essential ingredient. [For those of you who have a sweet tooth but not a chocolate one – perhaps someone else will do a Non-Chocolate Auction, but this is not that event…] Please plan ahead – think NOW about what you might be able to contribute. Items should be attractively presented and ready to be carried home (meaning – don’t expect to get the plate or dish back). A small card or label identifying the item and any information (ingredients – especially whether there are nuts or nut oils, name of maker, interesting recipe history if any) – will be very helpful and much appreciated by your humble auctioneer. If you have a chance, please email ( Chocolate Auctioneer Chris Pitt in advance and let him know what you plan to bring, but note that this is not required and is not a condition for participating. Just make, bake, mix, fix, or buy – and bring it on the 9th.

Items to be auctioned are brought to the Parish Hall before church on the morning of the Auction, where they will be on display before the service and immediately after, before the Auction starts. Each item will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Children are permitted to bid, but only under the direct supervision of a parent, please. There will also be a Kids’ Raffle! All of the proceeds of this year’s Chocolate Auction will be given to support the work of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute. This is a unique, fun and yummy way to raise funds for an important local social action service. Be there! Bring a guest – the more bidders, the merrier!

Any questions at all, call or email Chris Pitt.

KikiKiki’s Corner

Information Table is now a regular feature at social hour each week. It is being used both to have information for newcomers and also highlight upcoming events and offer ways to do sign ups. If you have other suggestions, please let me know at

Lost & Found is located in the entryway of the Parsh Hall. There are a variety of glasses, winter wear and books. Please see if there is something that belongs to you in either the wicker basket on the table or box next to it and take it home with you.

Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Meetinghouse Choir Rehearsal, 8:45am in the Parish Hall
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church

Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice.