Table of Contents
This Week in Worship
- Message from Rev. Lisa Ward
- RE Info
- News and Announcements
- Events
- Social & Environmental Justice
- Beyond First Parish
This Week in Worship
January Worship Theme: UNITY
“Music Sunday”

Worship Assistants: Steve Yakutis & Guy Pugh
Greeters: Karl Pastore and Laurie Webster
Flowers: Trisha Tu
Audio: Colin Glazer
Social Hour: Dianna Wilson & Elizabeth Menne
Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.
This week’s offering will be given to Alternatives for Community & Environment (ACE). ACE builds the power of communities of color and low-income communities in Massachusetts to eradicate environmental racism and classism, create healthy, sustainable communities, and achieve environmental justice. A representative from ACE will speak.
It’s cold, flu and covid season!
In order to keep our community healthy, we encourage the wearing of masks at worship services if you have cold symptoms or have been exposed to a communicable illness. Masks and Hand sanitizer will be available at all church entrances if needed.

I admit, I am being tempted by fear and existential dread these days. Even in my dreams at night. I am grateful that I can notice it instead of being swept away in the manipulated drama of the “new era” in America. I am listening to podcasts that help me feel I am not alone. I’m avoiding the deeply partisan and biased news outlets (of either political party), which are getting harder and harder to avoid. And I am finding that talking through my feelings with trusted friends and colleagues helps.
I also admit that I’m an optimist. I regard this as both a caveat and a steady resilience. I feel it’s important to pay attention to try and discern what’s going on and give my response room for hope. Right now it’s important to bolster resources, in self and other. We have resources of heart, mind and body. Resources of study and experience. Resources of friendships and organizations. No one is alone. That’s important right now. It’s also something to practice: don’t isolate.
This is a simple note of gratitude for this faith community and for all the organizations that bolster our hope. Grateful for your efforts to understand and share what you have come to understand. Grateful that, even though it can be hard, you show up as best you can. Believe in our shared wisdom. Believe in our shared lives.
Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa

Music This Week
This Sunday we celebrate the role of music in our lives and in our worship. The Meetinghouse Choir will sing an energetic anthem of celebration by Mark Hayes, called “Music Makes Me Feel Alive”. Our four Hunsaker soloists will offer solos by Michael Tilson Thomas, Henry Purcell, Roger Quilter, and Andy Beck; then they will join forces on a quartet by Handel called “Music, Spread Thy Voice Around”. In addition you can look forward to instrumental music provided by the FPM Consort.
News & Announcements
Our Annual Budget Drive Begins!
The Stewardship Committee announces that this year’s Annual Budget Drive will begin this Sunday, January 26th and will conclude on Commitment Sunday, March 16th with our Gathering in Gratitude Celebration. The financial commitments that we receive from our members and friends over the next two months will be used to cover First Parish’s operating expenses for Fiscal Year 2026, which begins on July 1st. Each household will be receiving an email from Stewardship in the next week or so asking for your contribution. Embedded in the email will be a “link” via which you can simply and easily submit your financial commitment for next year. In future weeks we will also include the “link” here in the Link for your convenience.
There is so much going on at First Parish, and we want to be sure we can support it. If you have already been a financial supporter of First Parish, we are very grateful. Our hope is that you would consider a 3% addition to the amount you contributed last year. If this is your first time making a financial commitment, we will be very grateful for whatever you choose to contribute.
Thank you and may all your wallets be willing!
The Stewardship Committee of First Parish in Milton—Charles Franich (chair), Rob Dahl, Mallory Digges, and Jim May.
First Parish Orientation Session coming up!
The Membership Committee will be holding our next Orientation session on Friday, Feb 7th via Zoom from 5:30-7. At these gatherings, we talk about what your spiritual path has been, a bit about the history of Unitarian Universalism and who we are at First Parish in Milton. Of course, we answer your questions.
We do these sessions periodically so that those who are ready to join can sign our membership book and become church members, as well as for those who just want more information.
Email if you are interested and to get Zoom link.

Please take a look at your calendars and see when you can take a Sunday. It’s an easy way that we contribute to our First Parish community.
Please reach out to Leslie, if you have any questions:
Gatherings for your spirit
If there is a topic you would like to explore with others, feel free to contact Rev. Lisa to discuss possibilities. Navigating the Political Climate Next meeting Feb 12th Will meet via Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm We will meet once a month to help each other sort through the impact of the political climate and share ways to ground ourselves. Contact Rev. Lisa at if interested.

Grief Support Group
Four Tuesday sessions
Tuesday Feb. 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
When we lose a loved one through death, the world is different, our lives shift in meaning, our ground is shaken. We can feel isolated by our grief. We can also feel a lack of strength or initiative to find a way through. One way to help adjust to the new reality and find our inner resources is to share our journey of loss and recovery with others. There are many ways that we grieve and many kinds of losses. This group is focused on loss due to the death of a loved one. The loss can be recent or from years gone by. We ask participants to commit to at least three of the sessions.
Meditation with Spiritual Prompts
An hour’s gathering by zoom, co-facilitated with Debra Nunziato
First Meeting: Thursday, February 13, 7-8 pm
We will gather to share varied meditation techniques and explore a spiritual reading together. We will determine as a group how often we would like to meet. Contact Rev. Lisa for the zoom link.
Please mark your calendar for the evening of Saturday, January 25 when Milton Community Concerts presents the tenth annual “Sing For Their Supper” benefit concert. There will be free admission for this 7pm concert which will raise money through donations for the Milton Food Pantry and Milton Residents Fund. For more information visit

Chocolate Auction
Sunday, February 9th
@11:45am in Parish Hall
Stay tuned for a special email next week with more details.

First Parish Art Festival and Fundraiser
Saturday, May 3rd
Visual arts – paintings, photography, and selected crafts (quilts, pottery) will be offered for sale (silent and live auction).
We will feature works from our own First Parish artists, as well as other local and regional artists.
Would you have artworks to contribute?
Would you like to join the committee or assist with the event?
Social & Environmental Justice
Bridging Families Network – Info Sessions
A group of members from United Congregational, First Parish Milton UU, St. Michael’s, and St Agatha’s churches have established the Bridging Families Network to discuss ways to extend a helping hand to local refugee families struggling with housing and other basic needs. Thanks to BFN efforts, local congregations have raised funds, collected clothes, and assembled stockings filled with Christmas gifts for newly arrived children and families. We are interested in engaging the broader community of Milton in this effort and so, with support from MICA, BFN has decided to host two community info session (on Zoom). Join us on:
January 23rd from 7:30pm to 8:30pm
January 28th from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
We will share information about what it is like to host families and how we might create a family hosting cluster in Milton, including hosts and non-host helpers to provide short term housing and support for one or more refugee family in the coming months.
We will have guests who will share their experiences hosting refugee families and the “host cluster” model.
Choose which time works best for you.
Here the meeting link: Zoom Link
If you have questions, feel free to contact Cynthia Guise, Pat Gallivan, or Tracey Robinson at their emails below:

Next date: February 19th
S&EJ (Social & Environmental Justice committee) is looking for volunteers the third Wednesday of each month to contribute lunches. We hope to deliver 70 lunches a month to support shelter guests.
Please sign up whenever you can help out by clicking on button below.
We are counting on your support!
Stay Connected
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.