This Week in Worship
Sunday, January 21, 2018
January Worship Theme – Truth
Worship at 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
Rev. Lisa Ward
One aspect in our increasingly “us” and “them” civic culture is our forgetting that a shared life is a gift in ways that are immeasurable. It is more than simply showing up (though that is a large part of the work). It is the courage to be generous with our love, to be open to learning, and to be willing to dare to enter new territory with confidence that we have all the strength and wherewithal needed to find our way through. When we define ourselves by what we are not, which is the core principle of “us” and “them”, we lose ourselves in the drama of “what’s going to happen next”.
What helps us all is the nurturing presence of beloved community. We find depths of strength and beauty that we know not of when we engage together on a common endeavor, or simply support the worth and dignity of each in a larger whole. A commitment to this faith community changes us, inspires us, shows us our strength and gives us a home base to do the work of finding our lives with and for each other. We are ennobled by each other’s commitment to build this community and support its endeavors. We are emboldened when we believe in our own worth.
And therein we can find the wisdom to heal rather than hate, to discern the good rather than judge the not so good, to strengthen our journey rather than avoid another’s will. It is important that we all weigh in. It is important that we all choose to find our way in life-giving interdependence.
Blessings Be,
Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Laurel Whitehouse, Director of Religious Exploration
Nursery and toddler care is available every week in the Link hallway from 10:15 to 11:45 am. This year our caregivers are Daisy and Grace. Stop by and say hello!
Religious Exploration for Sunday, January 21: Preschool children through grade 8 will attend the first part of the worship service in the Meetinghouse and then move to their classrooms. Please note that classes end at 11:40 am.
Preschool through grade 2 will be enjoying the Spirit Play program in the Preschool classroom. This week’s story will be “Three Wise Women.” Grades 3 through 5 will be exploring the Super Heroes: Bible People curricula, meeting in the Children’s Church. This week will continue the saga of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Grades 6 through 8 are following a curriculum called Friends and Neighbors, meeting in the Activity room. This week the class will revisit Islam and learn about what it means to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
See the Youth Yacking column for news on grades 9 through 12 this week.
Register your child or youth! The Religious Education Committee requests all families to register their children and youth. Paper registration forms are available on the RE bulletin board in the Link hallway.
Time to bring back your Guest At Your Table boxes!
Please bring in your Guest At Your Table boxes. Change is welcome, or you may include a check payable to the UUSC with GAYT on the memo line. On this past Sunday, the children counted over $200 in change from the boxes. Let’s see how big a ripple for good we can make with our combined small change!
Breakfast for Dinner! Friday, February 2 at 6:30 pm
On Friday, February 2, the youth of First Parish Milton will host a fundraising meal to earn money for their spring service trip. This time, however, they will not be serving spaghetti. Join them for a real midwinter treat, breakfast for dinner! Wear your pajamas and slippers as you enjoy pancakes, bacon and other breakfast goodies. Gluten-free options will be available. Linger after dinner to play board games together by the fireside. Bring your favorite board game to share!
Youth Yacking
Sara Elizabeth Santa Cruz, Youth Advisor
This week’s youth programming:
- Coming of Age, 10:30am – 11:30am
- This week, COA is going to be centered around UU worship and rituals. What role do rituals have in our faith? How do we use worship and religious practice to deepen our faith?
- There is no CAT (Community & Activity Time) scheduled for this week.
News and Announcements
3rd Annual Care Package Drive for our Young Adults
The Caring Committee and the Youth Group are teaming up for the third year to provide care packages to our young adults. This would include youth who are now in college, recently enrolled and serving in the armed forces, completing a year of community service like AmeriCorps, or off on their own just starting a first job. There will be a signup at coffee hour or you can send name, address, and any dietary restrictions to Amanda Tobey or 508-579-5118.
Also, we would graciously receive monetary contributions to offset the shipping costs and/or goods to fill the care packages.
The deadline for all donations is Sunday, February 4. Packages will be mailed/delivered the week of February 12.
3rd Sunday Collection – January 21, 2018 – Community Servings
Community Servings is a not-for-profit food and nutrition program providing services throughout Massachusetts and in Rhode Island to individuals and families living with critical and chronic illnesses. Community Servings give their clients, their dependent family members and caregivers appealing, nutritious meals, and send the message to those in greatest need that someone cares. They help the clients maintain their health and dignity and preserve the integrity of their families through culturally appropriate, home-delivered meals, nutrition education, and other community programs. They also have a job training program in food services.
Calendar of Events
Saturday, January 20 – Fair Foods – 10:00am
Meet at First Parish
Fair Foods Inc. rescues surplus fruits and vegetables from Boston industry source and distribute the food to those in need. (
Sunday, January 21 – All Church Council
noon – 2 pm
Parish Hall
The first All Church Council for 2018 is Sunday January 21 at noon in the parish hall. If you are interested in First Parish Milton, where we have been, where we are going, and how you can be involved, you are invited, so please come and join us.
In the past, the chair person or a representative from each committee would gather to report to the other committees on activities, plans and visions for the year ahead.
As we begin a new year in our congregational life under the leadership of Reverend Lisa Ward, please know that all are welcome to come and listen, come and have their voices heard.
Come and find out for yourself what is happening. Come and find out how you can be a part of this vibrant community. You do not need to be on a committee, just be interested in who we are and what we might become. Come please come.
Saturday, January 27th
10 am – 1 pm
Bystander Intervention Training
First Congregational Church of Milton, 495 Canton Avenue, Milton
Sponsored by:
March 2, 2018
Spaghetti & Karaoke
Parish Hall
March 3, 2018
First Parish Orientation
9:30am – 12:30pm – Parish Hall
LIVE AUCTION!! SILENT AUCTION!! – Vacation homes, restaurants, books, painting donated by our own Diane Sawyer, NEC tickets, Boston Baroque subscriptions and much more!
REQUEST FOR AUCTION ITEMS: If you have something you would like to donate: a service, an interesting item sitting in your attic, tickets, please contact Jen Pinkus
NEXT PLANNING MEETING: Sunday, February 4th at 11:45 in the Parlor.
For more information, contact Ruth Heiden.
Snow Cancellation Guidelines at First Parish
Just a reminder
For normal business hours and days:
The campus will close If the Milton Public Schools close.
We will assess our ability to be open for evenings and weekends based on the parking lot and walkways being plowed. We will make the call about Sunday worship by 8 a.m. that morning.
Look for cancellations in these three places:
- Channel 5, WCVB television. Look for First Parish – Milton. Check their website if you want to get automatic, direct notification through the TV station.
- Check our Facebook page. First Parish Milton UU. We will post cancellations there. Our Facebook page also feeds our Twitter account @FPMilton.
- We will announce cancellations as a banner on our website homepage,
Kiki’s Corner
Snow continues to be with us. At most of our entrances there is snowmelt and shovels in case something needs a touch up when you come into the building. We are lucky to have our sexton, Kevin Harnden, taking such good care of the campus.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
- Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 7:00 pm in the Children’s Church (Note new time)
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.