This Week in Worship
Sunday, January 18
10:30 am in the Meetinghouse led by Rev. Hank Peirce
On this Sunday when we honor the work and words of Rev. King, we should realize that the Civil Rights Movement did not end with his death. The need for protecting these rights won continues and must be upheld by each generation. Our multi-generational service will give us each a chance to add our voices to this living beloved community of justice seeking people.
See you in church!
Rev. Hank
Weather Update:
Friends, as we have entered into the season of snow and bad driving weather I want to just remind you of two things, first that I will endeavor to keep the church open each Sunday regardless of the weather. Second, if you don’t feel safe coming to church please stay at home. Ours is a faith that trusts you to explore the religions of the world to find the best way to understanding the Divine, we also trust that you can make the best choice for yourself so that you DO NOT MEET the Divine earlier than expected. Any and all cancellation information will be carried on the local news channel (WCVB Channel 5) and on the church’s Facebook Page.
Please sign up on the church’s Facebook Page! It is a great way to find out what is going on here at the church!
Upcoming Worship Services
The Worship Theme for January is Justice
January 19 Milton Martin Luther King Jr. Service 6:30 pm
Join Rev. Hank and other members of the Milton Interfaith Clergy Association for the yearly MLK service at Concord Baptist Church, 180 Blue Hills Ave.
January 25 Liquid Democracy
What breaks your heart? How do we decide what we as a community should support? How does what we support further our church’s mission, and perhaps as important what does that say about us and how does that belief change who we are?
Religious Exploration
Sunday, January 18, 2015
No RE Programming this Week
Children and Youth are invited to attend a multigenerational service.
This Sunday during our Multigenerational Service Joel Hiller will be working more of his musical magic and he is inviting children of all ages to be part of it. Joel and Jen Leggett will be leading 2 songs with song lyrics set to the melody of “This Old Man” and if you want a “lead” line all you have to do is make it to rehearsal on Sunday morning. Rehearsal starts at 9:15am in the Meetinghouse.
The Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger
And now a couple of important reminders from the Parish Committee…
Small Group Meetings – Sign up at Social Hour! Confirm you attendance via Doodle Poll! We want to hear from you!
- Thursday January 22, 7 to 8:30 PM at Ruth Hannon/Charlie Franich’s house in Milton
- Friday January 23, 7 to 8:30 PM at Ruth Heiden/Marsha Mauer’s house in Milton
- Saturday January 31, 4:30 to 6 PM Wine and Cheese at Walt and Sandy’s house in Dorchester
- Sunday February 1, 12:05 to 1:30 in the Chase Parlor, First Parish Milton
- Friday February 13, 6 PM Pot Luck Dinner in the Parish Hall, First Parish Milton
Questions? Contact Walt Hagenbuch for questions about the meetings. Contact Carolyn Newman for any questions on using the Doodle Poll.
Please put on your calendars SUNDAY JANUARY 25 at Noon, the mid-year meeting of the ALL-CHURCH COUNCIL. We will meet in the Parish Hall immediately after Social Hour, which will be shortened that day. A light lunch will be served at noon. We will convene at 1215 and end before 200. If you need childcare please email the office to make sure we have it available for you.
We would like at least one member(and preferably more) of each committee to participate. Evites have been sent to committee chairs. Please be prepared to talk about what is happening in your committee. Hear about what is happening with the transition, our visit from our Ministerial Settlement Rep on February 15 and the process to select our Ministerial Search Committee.
Confirm you attendence by contacting us and include childcare request, if needed.
Building a New Way: The 2015 First Parish Stewardship Campaign
We are at the beginning of our annual Stewardship Campaign – the time when we make the pledges of financial support that will sustain First Parish for the coming church year.
Congregational pledges provide more than half the money that pays for our church and its ministries – we hope to obtain nearly all of those pledge commitments in the next six weeks. You can help make the campaign a success in three ways:
1) Respond – If you are contacted by a visiting steward or invited to a stewardship gathering, please respond promptly.
2) Participate – Our main goal this year is to achieve 100% participation in the pledge drive – demonstrating our commitment to First Parish and its future health. Please participate at whatever level of financial commitment is possible for you.
3) Give generously – Please consider whether you can deepen your financial commitment this year. If every family were to increase its pledge by just a dollar a day, we would meet our goal.
Look for a pledge form in the mail (by January 18) or pick one up in the office and return it by February 15. And be on the lookout for more information and updates in the weeks to come.
News and Announcements
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – 2015
The Milton Community’s Annual Memorial Celebration
Sponsored by Milton Interfaith Clergy Association
Monday Evening, January 19 – 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Concord Baptist Church – 180 Blue Hill Ave, Milton
Keynote Speaker – Chief Richard Wells, Milton Police Department
Friends – It’s time to USHER in a new year, which for First Parish means: OFFERING TO USHER! Right now, we desperately need members to sign up for hosting Social Hour AND USHERING during services. Because the Worship Committee is responsible for making sure this vital service is part of each week, this Sunday, Leslie MacPherson Artinian will be at a table during Social Hour. Please bring your calendars so we can get each service matched to folks who can usher. If everyone does it, it won’t be a burden to anyone.
COME ON, let’s all pitch in!
Celebrate Imbolc
Saturday, January 31 @ 7pm in the Parish Hall
First Parish’s earth-centered spirituality group, the Great Blue Hill chapter of CUUPS, invites you to celebrate Imbolc. ALL ARE WELCOMED!
Imbolc is the halfway point between the dark of winter and the beginning of spring. It is a time of light and purification, when we celebrate with a ritual cleansing and a strengthening spell.
As usual we will share a potluck feast after ritual.
Please contact Mark Whall to RSVP or with any questions, 617 282 4075.
St. Valentine’s Day, when we celebrate the patron saint of Chocolate, is once again just around the corner. At First Parish, that means it’s CHOCOLATE AUCTION time again!
Items to be auctioned are brought to the Parish Hall before church on the morning of the Auction, where they will be on display before the service and immediately after, before the Auction starts. Each item will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Children are permitted to bid, but only under the direct supervision of a parent, please. There will also be a Kids’ Raffle! All of the proceeds of the Chocolate Auction are donated to support the work of a local nonprofit service organization – to be announced shortly. This is a unique, fun and yummy way to raise funds for worthy local social action. Be there! Bring a guest – the more bidders, the merrier! Any questions at all, call or email Chris Pitt.
Kiki’s Corner
For information that you would like to put in The Link or highlight in the Order of Worship Announcement, please email the information to both Kiki and Miriam to ensure it is seen in the office.
Please note your announcement may be edited due to space constraints. We encourage brevity (one to two paragraphs max.) The Link goes out as an email blast on Thursdays and generally posted on our Facebook page First Parish Milton UU by Saturday and our website. Submission must be received by Tuesdays at 5 pm.
Because of the amount of activity happening in the next couple of weeks at First Parish, more details on some events will be published at length with the Order of Worship.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!