January Worship Theme
Word to Action
We are often told “it’s the thought that counts.” Our worship committee wonders about the limits of that expression, the times when it is not the thought that counts, but the action we take, that matters most. How do we make a life of “practicing what we preach?” How can we hold each other to our own aspirations of community? What holds us back, and where might we find the courage to take the next step?
This Week in Worship
Sunday, January 12, 2014
10:30am WORSHIP
“Confessions of a Bystander”
Rev. Parisa Parsa
Music by Tim Steele, Peter Smith and Claudia Wellington
As we explore the ways that action means more than just words, this week we take up the politics of silence. When do we speak up to confront injustice? What do we learn from our own impulse not to? How do we take the risk of telling our own vulnerable truths for the cause of greater justice? When is speaking itself an important action?
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Religious Exploration
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Workshop Sunday
Children will start at the meeting house before being dismissed to their work shop. Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger. Youth chat will gather in the youth room.
News and Announcements
Looking for Sunday worship volunteers
Part of the overall Sunday worship experience is having flowers, a chalice lighter, ushers, greeters, and social hour hosts. We depend on volunteers to fill these roles. Please determine when you might be able to help and volunteer using Sign Up Genius. Dates are scheduled through the end of the program year, June 8, 2014. Our most immediate need for ushers is on January 19 and January 26. Questions? Contact Kiki at director@fpmilton.org
Wednesdays evenings and Sunday mornings
Meditation continues every Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-7:30pm as well as Sunday from 9:00am-9:30am both meet in the Children’s Church. All are welcome to join us and enjoy some peaceful, restful quiet.
Old Colony Music Together begins winter classes this Sunday, January 12, 8:45-9:30
Taught by First Parish member Jennie Mulqueen. Mulqueen is in her 19th year of teaching this world renowned early childhood music curriculum, and currently serves as Director of Early Childhood Programs at South Shore Conservatory in Hingham and Duxbury. Says Jennie: “Coalescing the philosophies and principles of Music Together and Unitarianism feels like a comfortable fit. What a wonderful way to begin our Sunday morning – connecting families through song and dance. Music is one of those unique activities that can bridge generations and abilities, for we all are hardwired to be music makers. Come join us this Sunday morning and bring a friend! This is appropriate for families with children ages 0-4.”
Courage of Character
Monday, January 20, 2014
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – 2014
The Milton Community’s Annual Memorial Celebration
Sponsored by Milton Interfaith Clergy Association
“Everybody Can Be Great, Because Everybody Can Serve.”
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Theme of the Day
Concord Baptist Church – 180 Blue Hill Ave
Milton High School Gospel Chorus
St. Mary of the Hills Liturgical Dancers
Milton Public School Elementary School Singers
Presentation by Milton High Students
Display of Student Poems & Artwork
MICA Scholarship Winners
St. Agatha Church Puppeteers
Reaffirmation of the Milton “No Place for Hate” Resolution of Respect
Please join us after the program for coffee,tea & dessert
Sunday, January 26 12 noon – 2 pm.
All Church Council
All Church Council will meet at a special time, Sunday, January 26 at noon. At this important meeting, we will review our progress toward First Parish’s mission goals for the church year thus far and identify strategic challenges as we make decisions about budget and staffing for church year 2014-15. All committees are asked to send at least two representatives to the meeting, but everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Lunch and child care will be provided. RSVP to director@fpmilton.org.
Sundays, January 26 and February 9
New Member Class wil be offered from 12 noon – 2 pm. If you have recently been attending Sunday services and are interested in learning more about First Parish or are interested in becoming a member, these are the classes for you. Please email director@fpmilton.org
Kiki’s Corner
Information Table is now a regular feature at social hour each week. Besides new members materials, we also have flyers on upcoming events and also ways to update your email and other contact inforation, request a permanent nametag,etc. If you have other suggestions, please let me know at director@fpmilton.org.
Lost & Found is located in the entryway of the Parsh Hall. There are a variety of glasses, winter wear and books. Please see if there is something that belongs to you in either the wicker basket on the table or box next to it.
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Meetinghouse Choir Rehearsal, 8:45am in the Parish Hall
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice.