Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 5/30/2013

Weekly Link 5-30-13

This Week in Worship & Religious Education

Sunday, June 2

Flower Celebration
Rev. Parisa Parsa, Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt
and Emma Jean Moulton directing the Meetinghouse Choir

FlowersIn our annual flower celebration we honor the historic story of Rev. Norbert Capek and his wife Maya, who risked their lives for freedom of worship in the former Czechoslovakia.  In this ceremony we revel in the joy of the different gifts, perspectives, and stories we each bring to this beloved community.  Everyone is encouraged to bring a flower per person in your household attending – of any kind – you will leave with another just as beautiful!

Remember to bring your flowers!

Religious Education

Nursery care will be available for children under the age of 5.

After worship we will have our annual All-Church Picnic
Our farewell celebration for Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt will take place at the picnic

Rev. Eric Dawson will start off our summer worship series in style!  Don’t miss it.

Events and News

Annual Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

Sunday June 2nd  from 9-10:15 a.m.

Teacher Appreciation BreakfastThe RE committee is hosting the annual Teacher Appreciation Breakfast to honor everyone who has been involved with Religious Education at First Parish this year.  Breakfast will be served to the teachers, substitute teachers and their families and all teachers will receive a gift of appreciation from First Parish.  If you would like to thank a teacher by contributing a breakfast item, please sign up on the doodle poll by using this link:, or contacting Beth Greenawalt at

Register Now for Religious Education!

As we move toward the end of this church year, we are already beginning preparations for fall and another great year of Religious Education for First Parish children and youth.  Please register all children who will be participating in RE next year by completing this simple form:   It helps us so much to have registrations completed early!  If you have any questions please contact

Do you enjoy spending time with kids?

Are you interested in exploring your own faith in a new context?

Do you want to engage with young people at First Parish as they ask big questions, think deeply, and grow spiritually?

Please consider leading a Religious Education class next year.   You don’t have to be a parent, and you don’t have to have taught before – everyone has something to offer to our young people!  We provide all curriculum materials, training and support for teachers, and we have a list of willing substitutes for days when you are unavailable.  Leaders are needed for all age groups, in a variety of different formats with different time commitments. We’ll do our best to find the place where program needs meet your gifts and passions.  Please or today!

You have been CHOSEN!

In the interest of efficiency, the Worship Committee has designated a “Chosen Few” to assist during Worship Services as ushers for the remainder of the Church year.  Please check the list below to see if you are one of the “Chosen Few”.

The Worship Committee is grateful for your participation as an usher.  If, for some reason, you are unable to fulfill your usher duties on your  “Chosen” Sunday, please either trade with someone else, or find a replacement.

Thank you, in advance, for your help!

If you do not see your name on the list and you would like to usher, please let Miriam, our new office assistant, know and she will try to fit you in.

Happy spring!

The Worship Committee

Usher Assignments for May, and June

June 2          Ruth  and Clara Heiden
June 9          Beth Gray Nix and Lisa Beck

Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Meetinghouse Choir Rehearsal, 8:45am in the Parish Hall
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church

Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice.