Ingathering Sunday – September 10, 2017



Ingathering Sunday

September 10, 2017

Intergenerational Service at 10:30 a.m. in the Meetinghouse


The first Sunday after Labor Day kicks off our full service church year at First Parish. This day has been called “Opening Sunday” and “Welcome Back Sunday”, but now that we have a viable summer services program, “Ingatheirng Sunday” includes folk who have been away for the summer, folk who have been coming to summer services and, of course, guests and visitors who we are privileged to have come through our doors.

We start with a pancake breakfast!

We then gather outside the front of the meeting house at 10:30 am and enter in, singing a familiar hymn. Come, be a part of the celebration of our vibrant community embarking on our full service church year. All ages are welcome.

Rev. Lisa

Pancake BreakfastSunday, September 10th at 9:00 am
Pancake Breakfast before the Ingathering Service!

The youth of First Parish will help us kick off the congregational year with a great breakfast before our first regular fall worship service. Please come and reconnect with one another while munching delicious pancakes and bacon! No cost to attend! Breakfast begins at 9:00am in the Parish Hall.



If you’ve ever thought about the possibility of singing in the church choir, why not give it a try this year? There is no audition required. All you have to do is show up at 8:45am for rehearsal on September 10th and join in the fun, while at the same time contributing in a huge way to the morning worship experience. And you don’t need to commit to singing every week if your schedule doesn’t allow it; just sing when you can.

If you think you might be interested please contact Tim Steele. Feel free to contact Tim if you would like to share your musical talents in any other way during this church year.