Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 11/23/2018

Weekly Link 11-23-18


The Link

November 22, 2018

We welcome all to grow deep faith and take bold action.

This Week in Worship

Sunday, November 25, 2018
Worship at 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
“The Grace in Giving”


Rev. Lisa Ward

At the Courageous Conversations event this last Monday, which featured Debbie Irving, the author of Waking Up White, a woman commented during the question and answer time that Indigenous peoples remain invisible, even in anti-racist work. Identifying herself as “mixed blood”, she lamented how the vernacular of black and brown people disregards red people. Debbie Irving did lift up in her presentation the horrific practice of forced assimilation of Native Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to “kill the Indian” in the person and “save the man (and woman)”. This was a practice of taking children from their parents and shipping them hundreds of miles away to boarding schools, separating them from their homes, their native language and customs through forced conditioning. This practice was widespread in both the United States and Canada.

While in Toronto I learned that Canada began a truth and reconciliation commission to lift up the truth of the boarding schools and its repercussions on Indigenous Peoples in 2008. The workings of such reconciliation are still in play. At the World Parliament, the names of the indigenous tribes who once peopled the land that is now Toronto were lifted up at each public forum. A sacred fire was lit in the beginning of the Parliament and was tended 24-7 for 8 days as a gift and offering of varied tribes to honor the spiritual work of inclusion, peace and justice.

And so, this day before Thanksgiving and the far more complicated history than pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a thankful meal together in Plymouth 1621, I lift up the peoples of the Massachusett nation; the Neponsett and Ponkapoag tribes who peopled the lands of Dorchester (with part of the land later designated as Milton). This is not a gesture to inspire guilt or blame, but a vigilance toward truth which will set us free. We are capable of celebrating today and learning from the past. We are capable of a deeper and wider inclusion, for therein peace and abundance abide.

Blessings Be, Rev. LisaReligious Exploration

Religious Exploration

Nursery care will be available from 10:15 to 11:45 am in the Link hallway for infants and toddlers up to age 3.

On Sunday, November 25, all children from preschool through grade 8 will attend the entire multigenerational worship service in the Meeting House.

Our Whole Lives Program (Grades 8 and 9, parental permission required): The Our Whole Lives class does not meet on Sunday, November 25.

Register your child or youth! All families are requested to register their children or youth for our religious exploration programs. Please use this link to our online form: RE Registration Form (or paper registration forms are available on the RE bulletin board in the Link hallway).

Holiday Craft Night

Create fun and decorative holiday crafts! Everyone of all ages can join in to make a flurry of handcrafted items from noon to 2:00 pm on December 2. All materials will be supplied, just add your creative imagination! Hosted by the Religious Exploration Committee. But wait, there’s more!!!

Lunch while you craft! The youth group will have a delicious lunch available for purchase on December 2. Proceeds will help fund youth participation in their spring service trip to CityReach Boston.

Calling performers of all ages for the 2018 First Parish Christmas pageant! During the 5 pm Christmas Eve service we will be offering an adaptation of a favorite holiday story, Christmas Tapestry by Patricia Polacco. There are parts for people of all ages, with varying rehearsal needs. Rehearsals will be held on December 9 and 16 during the service and a dress rehearsal will be held just before the performance.

Please email if you, your child or youth, or your whole family would like to be a part of our pageant! Additionally, let us know what level of involvement would work for you – we are looking for vocal soloists, actors with spoken lines, and actors without spoken lines. You must be able to attend all rehearsals if you wish to have a major part.

Youth Yacking

YAC Yaking for November 25th, 2018

There is not youth programming this Sunday. Youth are invited to attend the church service in the meeting house.

We are still in need of volunteers – youth and adult – for the December 1st gift wrapping fundraiser and December 2nd fundraising lunch. Please use the sign up genius to sign up for a volunteer shift or supplies.


Guest jazz pianist Stuart Ryerse will be returning to lead this week’s multigenerational service. In keeping with the theme of Joy, he has invited his friend, fiddler Noah Kelly, to join him in some Irish fiddle music.

Events, News and Announcements

Gratitude Sanctuary – This Friday, November 23

Time: 1-5

Following Thanksgiving Day festivities, Jennie Mulqueen and the Green Team at First Parish Milton invites all in our community to continue the powerful practice of gratitude in a quiet afternoon of reflection around the fireplace in our Parish Hall. Consumerism and toxic material waste is threatening the health of our planet and our souls; when we create the space to deeply contemplate the blessing of life, our humble hearts can be filled with deep joy for being. You are invited to bring one item for a Gratitude Altar as well as journals, dream/vision boards, or any other contemplative project that makes your heart hum. Materials for collage will be on hand. We will begin and end with singing and sharing, and the heart of our time together (3 hours) will be for silent meditation and project work. All ages welcome.



Crafts, Food, Fun!

Our scheduling of traditional offerings in the beginning of December has been slightly altered than in past years, in response to feedback.

Saturday morning (Dec. 1, 9:00am-2:00pm): we have brought back the holiday breakfast nosh and fair trade craft fair, along with offerings for sale by local artists. This is when Christmas tree pick-up (from 9am-12pm only) occurs as well (order forms on the First Parish bulletin board in the link hallway).

Sunday morning (Dec. 2, 12:00pm-2:00pm): We have moved the craft making event and youth meal fundraiser to after service on Sunday. Come enjoy multigenerational creativity and a warm meal together.

Pre-Order your Christmas Tree!

Reserve now and come pick up Saturday December 1st between 9am-12pm

There are only 50 trees and they are going fast!

Frasier Fir, 6-7 Feet in height

All proceeds benefit First Parish Milton

$65.00 Per Tree

Forms are posted on the bulletin next to grey box by the church office.

Please put your completed form in the grey box or deliver it to Susan or Megan in person.

Deadline to submit forms is Sunday, November 25, 2018.

You can attach a check to the pre-order form or bring one with you on pick up day, 12/1/18.

Make $65.00 check payable to First Parish Milton with “Christmas Tree” written in the memo section.

Circle Socials

Circle Socials are simple, potluck events intended to promote deeper, stronger connections within First Parish’s community. No agenda! Hosts provide the venue and “concept,” and guests contribute whatever food-and-beverage-wise hosts may need.

Saturday, December 8, 6-8-ish p.m. will be an adult “happy hour” hosted by Hale and Tucker Smith. Sign-up for this first Circle Social on Membership’s bulletin board or during Social Hours. Participants, please bring finger food snacks or appetizers, cheese, crackers, fruit, etc. and/or a beverage of choice to share (cider, seltzer, wine, beer, etc.).

An important note: 1632 Canton Avenue is at the END of Carberry Lane cul-de-sac, a small development beyond Dollar Lane, on the Blue Hills side of Canton Ave. Driveway is at the very end; parking in the field on left (or all the way up top if mobility/vision needs). 617-361-1734|H 978-866-6695|Tucker’s Cell

Courageous Conversations

Courageous Conversations is a monthly series of dialogue-centered programs on racism and privilege designed to address racial healing and justice in our town. Each month the Courageous Conversations leadership team in partnership with the Milton Interfaith Clergy Association brings together a diverse group of people representing a wide array of life experiences, circumstances, and choices. All events are open to the public—anyone can attend a meeting whether or not they have attended in the past.

Tuesday, December 11th, 6:30 PM at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 112 Randolph Ave, Milton, MA 02186. Save the Date: Film Screening-Film still to be decided.

Happy Thanksgiving

The Church Office will be closed on Thursday, 11/22/18 and reopen on Monday 11/26/18.

Thursday evening Silent Prayer and Meditation is cancelled on Thursday, 11/22/18.


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
  • Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Silent Prayer & Meditation, 7:00 pm in the Children’s Church (Note new time)

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.